Dave Elias & Associates
Elias favors opportunities to work with companies in a mutually beneficial and cooperative environment but will pursue aggressive activist investing in particular cases. In situations where management has repeatedly failed to execute on a business plan or make the desired improvements to the company's corporate governance, or there are signs that management may have internal conflicts of interest or are taking actions that have a detrimental impact on the company's operations or performance, Elias shall seek to implement the desired improvements through ongoing discussions with management. At times, when progress is not made through these discussions, Elias may often seek to take other actions, such as seeking board representation or calling a special shareholder meeting.
Late stage pre-IPO private equity allocations or bridge loans are made with the intention of profiting from a post-IPO sale of the holding, rather than planning for it to be a buy and hold long-term (i.e. 2 years+) investment. Private investments in public companies are made in cases where there are catalysts or the potential for catalysts (i.e. completion of later phases of drug trials) occurring in the near future (i.e. 6 to 12 months) to propel the stock forward and the pricing of securities is at a discount to market value at the time of investment.
David ELias
DME Securities was a licensed broker-dealer & investment banking firm, Member of the New York Stock Exchange and FINRA. DME Capital was a private equity fund.
During his tenure as CEO, DME Securities grew into a premiere broker-dealer on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange and handled trades for some of the largest financial institutions in the world. Clients included investment banks, hedge funds, brokerage houses, as well as working with and along-side traders, brokers and specialists on the floor of the NYSE. David was a founding board member of IBAC (Independent Broker Action Committee) designed to protect rights of independent floor brokers of the NYSE.